- Ownership of the Web Page
According to Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, “LSSI“), we hereby inform you that the website (hereinafter, the “Website” or the “Portal“) is operated by WACH & WACH ABOGADOS SLP (hereinafter, “WACH & WACH“), with address at C/Balmes 174, 4º – 2ªB, 08006, Barcelona and e-mail: kancelaria@wachandwach.com.
For the purposes established in the same article 10 of the LSSI, it is expressly stated that the lawyers of WACH & WACH ABOGADOS practice their profession having obtained their professional title in Spain or Poland, all of them being duly registered in the Barcelona Bar Association, unless expressly provided otherwise. Our professionals are governed by the provisions of the regulations applicable to the practice of law, including, among them, Royal Decree 658/2001, of 22 June on the Statute of the Spanish Bar and Resolution JUS/1098/2011 of 18 April, amending the Regulations of professional societies of lawyers of the Bar Association of Barcelona. The applicable regulations can be found under the following link: http://www.icab.es/normativa.
- Conditions of use of the Web Site
Access as well as the use of the Web Site are subjected to the following conditions of use. We recommend reading them thoroughly. By accessing and using the Web Site (including the information and documentation contained therein) implies that the user of the Web Site (hereinafter, the “User“) has read and accepts, without reservation, these terms of use (hereinafter, “Terms of Use“) including all instructions and/or recommendations that complement above mentioned Terms of Use.
The Portal contains information and documents prepared by WACH & WACH for exclusively informational purposes (hereinafter, the “Material“). User should be aware that such material may not reflect the current legislative and/or jurisprudential status and may be modified, developed or removed without prior notice.
The User acknowledges that the Material available on the Portal cannot, under any circumstances, be considered a substitute for legal advice or any other nature. Access to the Material by the User does not constitute or imply any relationship between WACH & WACH and the User, whereby the User is aware that he/she should not take action based on the Material uploaded to the Website, as it does not constitute professional advice in any way.
Access to the Website is free, except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the User, for which WACH & WACH is not responsible.
The User agrees not to use the Website for illegal purposes, as well as not to engage in any activities that could harm the image, interests and rights of WACH & WACH or third parties, undertaking to use the Website and its Materials diligently, correctly and lawfully.
In the event of a breach by the User of this Legal Notice or if WACH & WACH has reasonable suspicions of a possible breach, WACH & WACH reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate access to the Website by such non-compliant User, adopting any technical measures necessary for this purpose. Likewise, at any time, WACH & WACH may decide on the continuity of the services provided through the Portal.
- Limitation of Liability
The User acknowledges and agrees to use the Website at all times at his/her own risk and responsibility. Consequently, WACH & WACH shall not be liable for any misuse or improper use of the Website by the User. Furthermore, WACH & WACH shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the Material available on the Website.
In particular, WACH & WACH will not be responsible for:
- The content of the websites linked through the links available on the Website. For more information, please refer to section 4 of this Legal Notice;
- Damages of any kind caused to the User’s software and hardware by viruses, worms, trojans or any other harmful elements. It is the User’s responsibility, in any case, to have suitable tools (such as antivirus, firewall) for the detection and removal of harmful computer programs, as the User acknowledges and is aware that the use of the Internet poses a risk to the security of their software and hardware;
- Damages of any kind suffered by the User due to failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that result in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service. The User acknowledges that WACH & WACH is not responsible for such failures and that access to the Portal requires services provided by third parties beyond the control of WACH & WACH, whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation are not under its responsibility.
- Linked Sites
WACH & WACH, in view of the hyperlinks contained in the Website through which the User may be referred to third party websites, shall be considered as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of the LSSI. Consequently, may only be liable for the contents and services provided in the links to the extent that it has actual knowledge of the unlawfulness and has not proceeded to deactivate the link with due diligence.
Likewise, WACH & WACH assumes no responsibility for the content of the links nor for the conditions of use and confidentiality policies of the websites to which the links lead.
The User and, in general, any natural or legal person who intends to establish a link from their page or website to the Portal must obtain prior written authorization from WACH & WACH. Under no circumstances does the establishment of such a link imply the existence of a relationship between WACH & WACH and the owner or holder of the website or web page on which the link is established, nor the acceptance or approval by WACH & WACH of its contents and/or services.
In any case, WACH & WACH reserves the right to prohibit or disable links to the Portal at any time, especially in the event of the unlawfulness of the activity or contents of the page or site in which the link is included.
- Intellectual and Industrial Property
The intellectual and industrial property rights over the Material (including, among others, texts, graphics, photographs, videos), the elements and their arrangement on the Website, the graphic design of the Website, distinctive signs (trademarks and trade names), underlying computer programs (including source codes) are the exclusive property of WACH & WACH who has sufficient rights of use and exploitation of them. All content and elements contained on the Website constitute works protected by the current intellectual and industrial property legislation in Spain.
The access and/or use of the Website by the User does not, in any way, imply the transfer of intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the Website, the Material and/or the distinctive signs of WACH & WACH. Except for those cases legally established, any reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, public disclosure, extraction and/or reuse of the Website, its Material, other elements and/or the distinctive signs of WACH & WACH are expressly prohibited to the User.
- General
The use of the Website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law. Likewise, by using the Website, the User accepts and agrees that any conflict or dispute arising between the User and WACH & WACH shall be dealt with by the competent courts and tribunals in accordance with the applicable legislation.
In the event that any of the provisions contained in this Legal Notice is declared null and void, it shall be withdrawn or replaced. In any case, such declaration of invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions contained in this Legal Notice.
Copyright 2024 WACH & WACH. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved.